What Is Google Mobile-First Indexing?

The internet is dynamic as hell. The day you rest on your laurels is the day your competitor speeds past you laughing. Google’s mobile-first index will weed out the lazy, and reward the Nostradamus-types…well kinda. What Is Google Mobile First Indexing Google’s Mobile-First Index is when Google uses the mobile version of your website’s content indexing and ranking. …

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Best Search Engines

best search engines

Some (such as myself) will argue that there needs to be a healthy balance between ‘what you ask’ and ‘to whom you ask it’, however one thing that will never change is that we’re all searching for answers. Why bother humans when we can just ask our phone where we should eat dinner tonight, right? Levity aside, …

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DoFollow vs NoFollow Backlinks: What’s the Difference?

nofollow vs dofollow backlinks seo

When it comes to ranking higher in search engines, one major component is backlinks (websites that link to your website). There are 2 main classifications of links: DoFollow NoFollow Here’s the scoop on both DoFollow and NoFollow backlinks. What’s a DoFollow Link? Here’s an example of what a DoFollow link looks like in HTML: DoFollow links tells …

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7 Reasons for Investing in SEO For Your Business

You might have heard that SEO is on the way out, but businesses, and SEO companies in particular, are just getting smarter about how they use this marketing tool. They simply have to find new ways to use SEO than they used to. Here are some reasons why SEO is not only still relevant but also very …

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